• +1 (647) 606-0355
  • info@unispherecanada.org

Skills and Leadership Training

Under the Employment Program, Unisphere Canda will provide its members the following services:

  • Resume Writing and Cover Letter
  • Interview Skills /Mock Interview
  • Sharing resources and Job search skills
  • Networking Strategies
  • Connect Employees with employers


Employment Services

US’s employment program is designed to support newcomer’s women’s, refugees, and non-refugees status in resume writing, interview skills, networking strategies and connect them with employers.

We assist clients to understand their skills and limitations. We will also organize a workshop on resume writing, cover letter, and mock interview. UC will help its client in job applications and development and are referred to other organizations for further assistance with their job search. 

Our client’s initial needs assessment determines if they are ready to search for a job.  If our client is not ready, we will assist them to better understand their job search barriers and determine the best possible solution.  One-on-one and group sessions assist clients to better understand Canadian companies, employer perspectives, and networking strategies to connect with others. UC helps clients gain support and guidance in finding employment that matches their skills and education and assistance in overcoming barriers to employment

Résumé Writing

The interactive workshop offers activities needed to prepare Winning Résumés. This includes looking at employment goals, job postings, and their connections to résumé objectives, gathering relevant information, matching skills, and qualifications, choosing appropriate résumé type, and tailoring résumés. The workshop also covers elements of writing effective cover letters.

Résumé Customization focuses on customizing résumé based on the job posting. The client must have an electronic copy of the résumé and a job posting. Contact us to schedule an appointment. It generally lasts 30 minutes and it’s a one-on-one workshop.

Mock Interview

The session provides you with the opportunity to practice your interview skills; know what to expect when you interview for real; learn more effective ways to answer different types of questions. Choose a position of interest to focus on during your interview. Contact us to schedule an appointment. Mock Interviews generally last 30 minutes.

Interview Skills

This workshop prepares you for a job-winning interview. This includes the importance of interview goals, types of interviews, handling of pre-interview phone calls, and phone interviews, pre-interview research, how to effectively answer common and situational interview questions, good questions to ask interviewers, opening and closing of the interview, and post-interview activities. Participants will have the opportunity to answer interview questions and receive coaching for improvement.